Holiday Marketing Ideas for your Salon


The holiday season is here! Holiday marketing does not have to be expensive or time-consuming but with so many businesses offering specials and discounts around this time of the year, it is important to stay competitive. We’ve compiled some of the best holiday marketing ideas designed to help you increase product sales and book more appointments!

  1. Show your Loyal Customers some Love
    Make sure you show your most loyal clients how important they are to you and your business by offering them special discounts or early access to holiday sales.

  2. Consider BOGO (buy one, get one) or “Two for them, One for Me” Promotions
    It’s always nice to purchase a gift for someone but even better if the gift giver is receiving something free to treat themselves as well! Even if the free gift is something small, your clients will love getting a freebie.

  3. Holiday Giveaways and Contests
    Run a holiday giveaway to encourage clients to book appointments or even to increase your social media following. Here are a couple ideas which you can customize however you’d like: Book your next 3 appointments and be entered to win a holiday gift set or follow me on social media + tag a Friend to be entered to win 20% off your next appointment.

  4. Holiday Gift Sets
    Create pre-packaged holiday gift sets for your clients. Consider packaging together inventory that you’ve had sitting around for awhile at a discounted price and dress it up with a pretty bow or fun packaging.

  5. Create a Sense of Urgency
    Choose a shopping holiday such as Black Friday to run a limited time offer and encourage your clients to take advantage of a time sensitive sale. You can also do this with a longer timeframe such as a “One Week Only” sale.

  6. Launch a Holiday Sale to Attract New Clients
    If you are in need of new clients, consider creating a holiday sale that is targeted to attract new clients. For example - “Free Haircut with all Color Services for New Clients who book an Appointment in the Month of December”.

Now that you have tons of great ideas for this holiday season, get to work on making the most of it and don’t forget to utilize social media to advertise all of your great holiday specials! Here are a couple easy to use apps you can use to design beautiful posts on social media:

Canva - Everything you need to design like a professional!

Mojo - Create stunning animated stories