Vibe Pro Spotlight - Emma Bardelli at Meraki Hair Co.

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This month’s Vibe Pro Spotlight is on Emma Bardelli, owner of Meraki Hair Co. located in Suite 16 within Vibe Salon Suites in Plymouth, MI. She specializes in balayage, brazilian blowouts and hair extensions. Emma worked in a traditional salon for 3 years before making the move to a salon suite. Keep reading to learn more about why she decided to transition to a salon suite and what she likes most about being an independent beauty professional.

Why did you decide to go solo and work out of a salon suite as opposed to working in a traditional salon or spa setting?

I worked in a traditional salon for 3 years, I am so thankful for that experience but I got to a point of just feeling stuck. With covid happening I thought It was the perfect time to make the change. I like how intimate the salon suites are.I love the one on one connection I can make with my clients but also have the feel of a salon with working next to so many amazing stylists. I also have control over what is happening in my space, I know I am properly sanitizing keeping my place safe for all my clients. And being your own boss is the best too!!

Did you tour other salon suites? If so, why did you choose Vibe?

I love that Vibe is so supportive with everything we do. From posting our work and promoting us on social media to also being available if I have any questions.

What advice would you give to someone who is trying to decide if they want to go solo or not?

If you're thinking about it... I say just do it! You can come up with a million reasons not to do it. The clients will come and the money will follow. Take the chance on yourself. You're worth it!

What is the best thing about being an independent beauty professional?

I absolutely love being a business owner. Being able to make my own schedule and create an environment that I truly want to be in.

What do you like most about your suite at Vibe Salon Suites?

I love how I feel in control of my environment. I love having an intimate setting that my clients feel comfortable in. But I still have the support of other amazing people in the industry. I also love how safe I feel, I am in control of how things get sanitized and that is something that is important for me. In a time where so much is up in the air I know Vibe is doing everything they can to keep us safe.

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